Aussie Day

Aussie Day
Assuie Day

Sunday, 19 February 2017

Motivational Work.
There has been some confusion with the daily spelling tasks. Below is an explanation of each task.

Monday: Look, Cover, Write, Check.
Look at the spelling word,
Cover it with your hand,
Write it down and
Check for correct spelling.

Tuesday: Break into syllables.
Clap the word to count the syllables.
Write the words placing a line (/) where the syllable should be, for eg; smoky has one syllable, it should be written smo/ky.

Wednesday: Highlight vowels.
Write all spelling words down then circle or highlight any vowels in the words.
a, e, i, o, u.

Thursday: Rainbow Phonemes.
Phonemes are the sounds in the word. For eg: the word smoky has five sounds, s m o k y, which means each letter should be in a different colour. The word spring also has five sounds and also needs five different colours spi  n g .

Hope this makes it easier to understand.

Tuesday, 14 February 2017


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Mrs Queiros.