Aussie Day

Aussie Day
Assuie Day

Tuesday 16 May 2017

Gold n Bells Excursion
As you all know this Friday we will be going on our Gold n Bells excursion. Please make sure your child has their water bottle and some recess packed in a plastic bag clearly labelled with their name. We will be back at school in time for lunch. The bus is leaving at 8.50am. Please have your children at school by the bell as we must leave on time to stay on schedule.

Excursion Checklist:
  • Recess food in a small plastic bag
  • Water bottle
  • School Hat
Thank you for your support, we are all very excited and I'm sure we will have a great learning experience.

In Science this term the children are learning about Living and Non-Living Things. We have been discussing the needs of plants and what they need to grow. Each child has planted their own snow peas and is monitoring its growth. The plants are put out in the sun each morning and watered every second day. The students are also measuring their plants once a week and graphing their results. As you can see from the picture below most plants are thriving.

Merit Certificates
Last Friday, we had our first junior assembly for the term and I am proud to announce our Merit Certificate winners for this month were Harlem, Sienna-Rose and William. Well done, you have all worked really hard.

Year 2 Challenge
Congratulations to Scarlet who received 100% and Daniel who was in the top 5 for year 2.
Well done.