In Week 6 on Friday we attended a Life Education Van Incursion. The students participated in a lesson on “Growing Good Friends” which covered a range of topics including developing friendships, including others, conducting themselves in a safe manner, healthy eating and positive life style choices. It was a highly interactive and engaging experience enjoyed by all. The students were also given a booklet of activities and a sticker!

Also in Week 6 the children presented their Super Scientist Presentations.The standard of these presentations was amazing! I was so impressed by the way the students prepared and delivered their presentations. Thank you to all parents and families who provided the children with support in the lead up. It was very difficult to choose our two Room 27 Super Scientist Finalists, but in the end it came down to those students who demonstrated excellent presentation skills and who were well rehearsed and organised. Congratulations to Daniel and Lucy, who represented our class at the year level assembly in Week 7,
Daniel "Bombs Away"
Lucy "Density"
Congratulations to Scarlet, Isabelle and Sarah who were the recipients of Merit Certificates at the last
Junior Assembly.
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